Why was this web site created? What is the purpose? And what if anything should you take away from it all? What is 4Sight?
When we are born, we have no concept about what life is. It is literally nothing but us. And from that moment on we learn what life is. Or, better put, we learn how others see life and what they think it is as we assemble our own vision. That's what 4Sight is.
We each have a unique way of looking at life. 4Sight says that our vision of the world has two parts; how we look at the past - what we refer to as our self esteem - and how we look at the future - what we call our self-confidence. But 4Sight takes it further than that.
4Sight says that the differences we experience in life - within ourselves, with others, and with life in general - are driven by our differences in self-esteem and self-confidence. In other words, 4Sight explains the root of all conflict.
In the end we all want the same thing. We want to live and we want to enjoy that process. 4Sight will give you invaluable insight into how you can increase that enjoyment. It will teach you what makes you happy and also what makes you unhappy. It will also show you how your happy and unhappy collide with and impact other people's happy and unhappy. And, finally, it will show you what to do about that. Conflict within your self, with others and with life, is inevitable. Your ability to handle that conflict and resolve it - your resiliency - is governed by your self-esteem and self-confidence.
Don't take our word for it, though. Peruse the intervening pages and let us know what you think. Apply the principles to yourself and others. We are convinced that you'll see how your view of the past and the future determine how you experience the present. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Soon you will have the tools and vocabulary to do so. Soon you will have 4Sight.