I put an ad on Craig’s list (below) saying I’d pay people to come in and anonymously talk about conflict they were experiencing. I gave them insights on their emotions. If you would like unique and helpful guidance on your conflict(s) in exchange for an (unpaid) Podcast recording, send an email to founder@4SightModel.com.
Craig's List Ad Title: Interviewees Needed
Experiencing conflict? At home, with friends, at work, in a relationship? Doesn’t matter. We can help by showing you the root cause of all conflict; misleading emotions.
Experimental new podcast launching in Portland. All you have to do is talk about your problem (at a house in SE) and be honest while we ask questions. We’ll do the rest. Your name and identity will not be shared. For more information, email founder@4SightModel.com. We'll try to respond as quickly as we can, so please be patient if we don't.
Pays $20-$50 for a one-hour conversation.
Initial Email: for those responding to the ad.
Thank you for responding to our Craig’s list podcast ad. If you’d like some general information about 4Sight, we suggest you visit our web site. You can get it from our Email. We do this instead of including a link to avoid getting caught in spam.
The interview is a one-hour max process. We spend the first 15 minutes or so generally getting to know you. The next 15 is used to go over the conflict you are experiencing. The remaining time - around half an hour - is used to drill down on the specifics where we’ll essentially uncover the root of the dilemma. This will include frank and potentially intimate questions. If at any point you are uncomfortable with the subject matter, you are welcome to end the conversation. For your troubles we’ll pay you $20 for your time and travel. However, in order to earn the full $50 you’ll need to complete the entire interview where we’ll end by giving you solid advice on how to proceed to overcome the challenge you are experiencing.
In all instances you’ll sign a release upon entering that says we’ll be able to use your recording and any transcript in conjunction with the 4Sight podcast series. Your identity will remain confidential and, if requested, we’ll agree to disguise your voice so that it is unrecognizable. The show will be recorded at a residence in southeast Portland and you’re welcome to bring up to two people to listen to the show along with my assistant. However, if they choose to participate they will not be compensated although they will also have to sign a release. If you have any questions, please let us know.
If you’re ready to setup an interview I’ll put you in contact with my assistant. FYI we'll try to respond to emails as quickly as we can.
Sincerely, David Straub
Founder, the 4Sight Model