
The 4Sight Business Manifesto

Are you ready for 4sight? Is your organization?
A simple 4 question quiz will give you the answer. Let us help you take the guesswork out of behavior by putting 4Sight in.

1. Do you enjoy having employees?
…Funny, right? But that’s what this comes down to. 4Sight describes the two processes that make up our consciousness. As long as a person is conscious, they are incorporating these two processes which govern everything they say and do (their overall behavior).

2. Do you have operational and people systems?
The fundamental domain of how a person behaves within an organization is handled by Human Resources, so HR will be the mechanism through which 4Sight will work.

3. Do you have strategic Human Resources, or would you like to?
While HR is the vehicle and may even bring 4Sight to the attention of your organization, without the approval of your executive team, neither will be successful. If your organization truly values its employees, HR will be an essential component.

4. Do you want your employees to be accountable for their behavior and results? Are you ready to do away with the talk and move to actual results?
Frankly, true accountability scares the hell out of a lot of people. In truth, every organization should be saying “certainly”. In reality, companies worry about two huge issues. Can I do something about it and will I lose key people if I do?

An organization won’t want to commit to such a program unless it knows there is a strong likelihood of success. Making every single employee accountable feels risky! Yet that’s exactly why it should be considered. The risk is because you know there's a problem and you may not be able to fix it. Not doing anything is the risk you're already taking, and the corresponding downside of potential liability is already present.

It’s very likely that some if not many of your valuable employees have behavior strategies that are potential areas of concern. As a result, the may fear their behavior being scrutinized. And who wants to lose their star performers, right? In reality, though, it's not a zero-sum game, as there is a hidden cost you pay every day.

If your key staff have behavior issues it's going to cause conflict, in which case it doesn’t matter how much they are producing for you. Because, if you’re not addressing it, the loss in your overall productivity and quality is enormous, not to mention the potential for liability. Numerous studies site the huge costs of presenteeism and absenteeism, of which this acrimony must certainly exacerbate if not cause. And the movie Moneyball provides a great representation of what is referenced here. Some of your most valuable employees may not be worth the value.

Undesirable behavior in any group threatens the foundation of the group. It will directly impact anyone with whom the offender operates and indirectly everyone with whom those people operate or communicate. Think about the range of consequences.

At the very least, a bad egg will impact what you do at least some of the time. If that undesirable behavior has any regularity or severity, its impact will spread through your workforce. You hope it makes it to HR or leadership before there is a significant event. More importantly who wants to give their all or even stay with an organization that lets its employees get away with unprofessional behavior?

Well, today there’s a bit of compromise going on as people are tolerating something they may feel is pervasive. In which case, wouldn’t you want to be one of the first to stake a claim with this bold, new culture? Because if you do, you will begin to attract the absolute best and brightest candidates this country has to offer.

The organization that has perfectly taken on the responsibility of its constituents doesn’t exist yet, but it’s coming. People have been voicing their dissatisfaction around their maltreatment in droves. The groundswell is present. And thanks to social media and other avenues, the tidal wave has begun to form. The water may be far off in the ocean. Or, it may just be off your coastline barely out of site. Regardless, I’d want to know my village has sandbags galore and also that we’re well above the flood zone. The water is coming, and it’s going to be everywhere soon enough. So unless you really like swimming, take the first step and have us in for an initial consultation.

I guarantee you it’ll be the most mind-blowing conversation you’ve had in a long while, perhaps ever.

4Sight is like gravity. It’s everywhere. And it impacts you every minute of every day. And sometimes, unless an apple falls on your head, you don’t even think about it. But when you do, you begin to realize that it’s literally what makes this world happen, because, without it, everything would be flying off into space.

Let me repeat that. 4Sight is everywhere and it impacts you every minute of every day. Let us tell you how that happens. More importantly, let us help you harness this knowledge for to take advantage of in your own organization. Nothing will have greater impact where you work than something that teaches you and your peers why you behave the way you do. Where it came from, how it operates, and, most important of all, what you can do about it.

4Sight will take the guesswork out of behavior. Contact us today. We’re looking forward to raising the tide, do you want to be a part of the swell? Take flight, you will be glad you did.

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