4Sight does not refer to discrete groups for describing the behavioral and thought process challenges people face. Instead, what we say and do is viewed across a spectrum depending upon a person's respective SE or SC limitations. We do delineate levels to demonstrate the effects that a person's SE and/or SC innaccuracies will cause as they are incongruent with those around them.
Person does not generally experience challenges in life.
That being said, circumstances can conspire - situational - and a person can have difficulty with their day-to-day obligations.
However, they will regularly discuss their obstacles and, most importantly, take action to overcome the things that are holding them back,
allowing them to get out of their rut in fairly short order (weeks to months).
Whereas a person with "no" SE or SC issues can experience "situational" dilemmas on a rare occasion - once or a couple times in a decade -
a person with mild issues might encounter problems more regularly, perhaps yearly, especially around seasonal issues, after the holidays or during the onset of fall.
Nonetheless they are able to navigate the solution on their own and really don't require outside assistance although they may ask and, for which, it is never negative to do.
An episode shouldn't last longer than weeks.
A person with moderate issues is more likely to drive the issues that they experience with behavior that enables the problems.
Where a person with mild problems is vulnerable in certain areas, a moderate person is more uniformly sensitive.
Still, with regular preventive action and/or external assistance, these people can remain happy and independent,
the hallmarks of a person who is adaptive and able to meet basic adult responsiblities.
Person will regularly, weekly if not daily, experience conflict in one if not all areas of their life from family and friends to work and the greater community.
This, of course, presumes that they are able to maintain steady employment which is possible but not likely.
Even then, they will pursue income in a way that gives them security.
For example, a job that is either in demand or at which they are really good to make them attractive enough in spite of their behavior problems.
Self-employment, working/spending a lot of time alone, and great expertise in some specialty are typical coping mechanisms for remaining independent.
In any case, the person is more or less dependent upon others, either directly (with, say financial assistance) or indirectly (tolerance of their poor behavior).
In this instance the person has daily issues with life and is probably unable to cope or engages in activity that marginally helps them to get by.
Drug addiction, homelessness, chronic unemployment, financial dependency and criminal activity are extremely common if not indicative of a person with extreme issues.
It should be noted that nobody wants to be in these situations.
However, they have no other choice because their brain is on auto-pilot and is so focused on negative
that any long-term constructive action is all but impossible and likely representative of the situation below.
Identifying the Worst
Conflict with and in life may be the only way to know that a person has SE or SC issues.
In fact, if a person goes to extremes to avoid contact to remove the possiblity of conflict, then they are likely to have problems.
However, it is important to point out that adaptation, above all else, is key, so if a person lives their whole life in solitary and never
interacts with others, especially in any negative fashion, then it might be possible to say that
they knew what their problems were and took a selfless path to avoid harming others.
Nonetheless, when extreme incongruency with others is present, it can best be identified by their engaging in "projective identification". When a person's SE and/or SC fall below a minimum threshold, their thoughts about the past or the future can overwhelm their mind with negativity. This flooding prevents action which further enables bad thoughts and leads to emotional instability. As a defense mechanism their brain can literally block them from blaming themselves as they are unable to even consider the negative scrutiny of their behavior. However, their brain will still sense the given conflict, so its only option is to place the fault upon others. This hypocritical thought process is often supported with highly irrational statements with extreme cognitive distortions. While the interaction may seem inexplicable to those present, consider that this person is the likely product of dysfunctional development. Their brain figuratively "learned" during a wartime where survival was the main, if not only, concern. It's as if much of the neocortex is not managing their emotions and their higher-level thinking is absent. They are, at the most basic level, only able to think of themselves and stability is a foreign concept.