At the moment, determining a person’s absolute self-esteem (SE) or self-confidence (SC) is an art where I have yet to enumerate the algorithm around how it is done. This is my first attempt. As with all projects and processes I undertake this will be iterative. In other words I’ll make my best first attempt at it and improve from there. It will be a work in progress.
Regardless of the process detailed below, one thing is required in addition to the interviewer having in-depth knowledge of 4Sight. That is they themselves must have little to no SE or SC issues. I personally have been looking at the world from this fresh and rare perspective for half-a-century as I’m now 54. From a very early age I’ve been okay with and understood myself and have spent a lot of time looking at others from a uniquely objective standpoint. This will start to make sense after you read the information below. And so I begin.
The nature of the process Is extremely sensitive. As an interviewer you’re literally peering into someone’s thoughts and they have no ability to avoid your inspection. That’s because any opposition or avoidance will be a sign as will anything they say or do (or don’t say or don’t do).
Accordingly, you must be very careful both in your delivery as well as monitoring how you’re perceived. Invariably you may need to adjust and remind them as well as yourself what the goal is; for you to help them understand themselves and broker a solution whether or not the latter is why you were called in. SE and SC issues always cause conflict. However, you’re not looking to prove you’re right or that you have some magical powers. You’re merely looking to have successful communication and an exchange of information.
It is far easier to determine if a person has an issue looking at the past because its already happened. All you have to do is ask them to tell you about their “perception” of it. While doing that, there are specific signs that you’ll be able to check for which we refer to as “markers”. But before we do that it’s important to look at the 4Sight 4-level scale as it actually works the opposite for SE and SC issues.
Not including the little to none (4) state which is highly unusual, state ranges from mild (3) to extreme (0) with moderate (2) and severe (1) in between. The symptom in question is external impact. People around those with mild or moderate (M/M) SE issues may be unaware as they are submissive and look to please others. This can easily appear as their being compliant or accommodating. This distinction can be determined by pushing on them but I digress. Regardless this is in contrast to those with M/M SC issues as they oppose and their vocalization or procrastination will manifest their issue although, again, these behaviors can really be prudent review or their desire to not do something by choice. However, the contradiction is noted; SE M/M people make your problem their problem and SC M/M people make their problem your problem. This again contrasts itself with severe and extreme (S/E) SE or SC issues. In the SE case they become belligerent at this level, regularly engaging in projective identification and blaming others, typically behavior we associate with personality disorders. With SC these people unravel and become overwhelmed with their fears and worry, behavior we typically (and sadly) refer to as schizophrenia (when outspoken) or autism (when shutdown). In both cases they can’t even manage their own triggers and are oblivious to others. This is often the case with M/M SC issues as well whereas as those with S/E SE issues actually usurp the rights of others as they can’t manage their self-loathing.
The key to interviewing is always this though; does the person accurately look at the past or honestly assess the future. The less accurately they to the greater their SE or SC issues are. In order to do this *you* need to be able to accurately assess both which is why I said in the beginning the you *must* have little to no SE and SC issues. Otherwise, your analysis of another person will be inaccurate. Enough said. Let’s discuss markers and how you can obtain them.