
4Sight Model

TheĀ 4Sight Model says that your consciousness is driven by two thought processes. How you look at the past - your Self-Esteem (SE) - and how you plan for the future - your Self-Confidence (SC). Together, they determine everything that you say and do and, really, also what you don't say and don't do. Both processes "filter", your "perception" of the past or "assessment" of the future. Flaws in SE and SC permit our emotions to drive our behavior in an undesirable fashion. Unfortunately, those flaws allow triggers from our development to create feelings (i.e. emotions) that are erroneous or flat-out incorrect. Left unchallenged, our higher-level thinking will support the conclusion with a cognitive distortion, a logical fallacy. In effect, we are lying to ourselves.

Your SE and SC are largely in place by the age of three when your brain has developed significantly. Your behavior can change, but in order to do that, you need to be accountable for the underlying thought processes first. If those two thought processes are accurate - meaning more or less congruent with what "the crowd" would perceive or assess - then you will be able to function day to day with minimal and manageable conflict. However, if your SE or SC fall below a threshold, then you'll encounter issues relating to the respective cause. We offer the table below to show how SE and SC issues manifest themselves.

Self-Esteem (SE) Self-Confidence (SC)
What it is How you look at the past How you look at the future
Accuracy Your ability to assess your causal contribution to an event and the implication thereof (what it means) Your ability to forecast the likely outcome of an event and the impact(s)
Inaccuracy Over-assigning negative assessments to oneself and/or
under-assigning positive assessments
Over-forecasting the likelihood and/or impact of a negative outcome and/or
under-forecasting the likelihood and/or impact of a positive outcome
Identifying Mild / Moderate Issues
Feelings Negative
Avoid scrutiny to prevent shame and guilt
You don't like yourself
You blame yourself
You fear scrutiny or how to respond to review
Lose desire to act
Avoid planning to prevent worry and fear
You don't trust yourself
You discourage yourself
You fear failure or being able to handle it
Lose ability to act
Traits You do for others to get approval
You avoid interaction/don't talk
You don't go out
Overestimate past problems, removing the reason to act
You look for others to decide
You avoid action/don't do
You don't plan
Minimize future problems, removing the need to act
Identifying Severe / Extreme Issues
Feelings You don't like others
You blame others
You scrutinize others
You don't trust others
You discourage others
You manipulate others
Traits Seek/enable chaos
Relationship turmoil
Drugs to forget about the past
Take risks
Emotional turmoil
Drugs to distract about the future

Third draft (04/27/2018) of the 4Sight Model of Behavior.

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